6 mai 2007

"Sint diferite tipuri de femei, Augustine..."

Pierrette: Everyone knows you sleep around.
Louise: You know, since we sleep with the same ones, let me explain the bribe. I overheard you say to Monsieur, "Give me the money or you'll die."
Pierrette: No I said, "I'll die."
Louise: No, "You'll die."
Pierrette: My poor Louise! Your word is no good, you're just a maid.
Louise: Nor is yours. You're just a whore.
Pierrette: Which I prefer.

Catherine: Suzon, I forgot one thing. I heard a strange sound. I looked through Augustine's keyhole, and I saw her standing at the mirror with something shiny. I thought nothing of it, but now I'm sure she was sharpening a knife!
Augustine: You liar! I was holding my mother-of-pearl comb and cleaning it.
Gaby: At 3:00 am?
Augustine: Combs never sleep!

Suzon: Didn't you say you saw no-one?
Augustine: I forgot. I went for a drink.
Gaby: Or a prowl around Marcel's room! What happened?
Catherine: You'd know if you still slept with Dad.
Gaby: I'm being judged by my own child!
Pierrette: That's why I never had any.
Gaby: Just admit no man ever asked you to.

Sa traiesti intr-o casa plina de femei poate fi ucigator. Si nu vorbim dragut, Marcel chiar moare :D Dar ce importanta are crima cand farmecul feminin e ametitor, dialogul e de un umor ascutit si Catherine Deneuve joaca asa de bine? Sa nu mai zic de "iesirile" lui Augustine, cea mai cool si mai bine dezvaluita dintre cele 8 nebune. Mai ales ca are taricardie, dupa cum ii zicea ea.

8 femmes (2002), Francois Ozon, 23 de nominalizari si aproape toate categoriile de la Berlin Bear castigate.

4 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Da, chiar poti sa mori (sau cel putin sa o iei razna) intr-o casa plina de persoane de sex feminin. Uita-te la taica-miu, saracul! Nu degeaba si-a luat el casa la munte :)

Sim Filip spunea...

Da, am observat dorinta asta si la taica'miu de cand a ramas doar cu mother si Oana.

Anonim spunea...

data viitoare pune si tu acolo: "Warning - Spoilers" dooh

Sim Filip spunea...

Ce-i asta bai?