22 iunie 2007
Da, citesc, da
Am dormit mai intai cateva zile ca sa uit ca a fost cel mai greu, adica obositor, an de facultate. Voi scrie mai des pe blog, da, asa cum am zis si... tanaaa... si... suspans... voi mai face ceva vara asta (oare ce?) despre care aproape uitasem cu ce se mananca (sau bea, ca e prea cald): voi citi! Yahoooooo, Goooogle si ce alte exclamari mai exista pe lumea asta. Voi citi carti (carti, da? carti bune, nu documentari pentru stiri) si voi citi mesaje. Am inceput in felul urmator: 1. cele mai de intrat in istorie sms-uri, in numar de 45, la care am ras mai ceva ca prima data cand le-am primit si 2. Wakefield (da, Anca, da :D) care e la fel de amuzant si care sigur o sa-mi placa. Sa purcedem!
17 iunie 2007
Din gandirea Andresciana
1. "Da' de ce nu esti suparata?" 
2. "Cum poti sa bei fara sa te uiti ce e inauntru (nr in paharele de pepsi de la KFC)? Pot sa fie tot felul de chestii in astea." Hmm, suc si gheata?
2. "Cum poti sa bei fara sa te uiti ce e inauntru (nr in paharele de pepsi de la KFC)? Pot sa fie tot felul de chestii in astea." Hmm, suc si gheata?
16 iunie 2007
Flori la geam
14 iunie 2007
El labirinto del Fauno

E facut cu dragoste da, de un mexican, Guillermo del Toro, (are vreo legatura cu Benisio del Toro oare?) si a castigat 3 Oscaruri, pe buna dreptate.
"Pan: A long time ago, in the underground realm, where there are no lies or pain, there lived a Princess who dreamed of the human world. She dreamed of blue skies, soft breeze, and sunshine. One day, eluding her keepers, the Princess escaped. Once outside, the brightness blinded her and erased every trace of the past from her memory. She forgot who she was and where she came from. Her body suffered cold, sickness, and pain. Eventually, she died. However, her father, the King, always knew that the Princess' soul would return, perhaps in another body, in another place, at another time. And he would wait for her, until he drew his last breath, until the world stopped turning... "
11 iunie 2007
2 filme ubercool, unul nu si o concluzie
Hmm, imi place Woody Allen, imi plac si multe dintre filmele lui, au replici geniale, dar oare de ce mi-am irosit timpul uitandu-ma la Deconstruting Harry? Nu detaliez, tot ce am inteles e ca scriitorul Harry, interpretat de Allen, vrea sa o faca cu toate femeile pe care le intalneste pe strada, in magazin, langa magazin etcetera. In schimb, nu inteleg cu ce (si mai ales de ce?) mi-am irosit timpul pana acum si n-am vazut mai devreme I am Sam si Kramer vs. Kramer. In I am Sam o sa gasiti bucati din Kramer contra Kramer, pe Sean Penn (Sam) jucand extraordinar si pe Dakota Fanning (Lucy, fetita lui Sam) jucand si mai extraordinar (yeah, am plans). Kramer vs. Kramer mi-a aratat o Meryl Streep foarte tanara (doh, filmul e din '79) si ce inseamna sa divortezi. Above all, astea doua filme m-au facut sa ma intreb daca le-am zis vreodata alor mei ca ii iubesc. Si cum nu imi amintesc.... va iubesc crizatilor!
"Sam: OK, remember when Paul McCarthney wrote the song "Michelle" and then he only wrote the first part, Annie said. And then he gave that part to John Lennon, and he wrote the part that said, "I love you, I love you, I love you." And Annie said that it wouldn't have been the same song without that... and that's why the whole world cried when the Beatles broke up on April 10, 1970.
[takes a moment]
Sam: I love you Lucy... like in the song."
"Sam: OK, remember when Paul McCarthney wrote the song "Michelle" and then he only wrote the first part, Annie said. And then he gave that part to John Lennon, and he wrote the part that said, "I love you, I love you, I love you." And Annie said that it wouldn't have been the same song without that... and that's why the whole world cried when the Beatles broke up on April 10, 1970.
[takes a moment]
Sam: I love you Lucy... like in the song."
9 iunie 2007
Balcon de mama priceputa
2 iunie 2007
Desene pe asfalt, La Multi Ani, da , sigur!
In our world, malaria kills a child every 30 seconds. Eleven million children die every year of malnutrition. In our world, 15 million children have been orphaned by AIDS. Thirty-thousand children die on preventable causes every day. In our world, two million children are working in the sex trade this month.
To All New Arrivals
We love you,
We would die for you,
Kill for you...
To All New Arrivals
We love you,
We would die for you,
Kill for you...
You're welcome, welcome, welcome!
If there's a god,
Be aware!
I'm a man
newly made.
My son lies here
And only of him
Am I afraid
As I gaze into that face,
I perceive that which is true,
I created him
And we created you
In his image.
To All New Arrivals
We love you,
We would die for you,
Kill for you,
And I never knew love like this...
To All New Arrivals
We love you,
We would die for you,
Kill for you...
To All New Arrivals
We love you,
We would die for you,
Kill for you...
(Faithless - To All New Arrivals)
In Falticeni au ramas de ieri desene pe asfalt si zambete pe buze. Citez: "Pentru copiii care vand flori la colt a fost Ziua Copilului?"
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